Monday, March 31, 2008


Learning Thai is hard. Really hard. There are about 40 consonants, and 15 or so vowels, which sometimes attach themselves to consonants, effectively forming a new letter altogether. Since they aren't translatable to western letters, and don't necessarily make the same sounds, and the language is tonal so each sound can have 5 different meanings depending on the way you say it and the words aren't even familiar if you do happen to be able to read the letters, the language is a tad difficult. Finding the motivation to actually sit down and study this far in advance is also tough.

Im done complaining. I just hope I have enough of a basis that when I get there I can quasi function, or at least look like Im really trying.

One of the things that's hard about this trip is trying to not be concerned with the details prematurely. There are a lot of things we just wont know about it until we get there, namely: where we will live, where we will work, how much money we will need. I trust that these things will work themselves out, but that doesn't stop a brooding mind from dwelling on these unknowns. I have a brooding mind. :(

That's all the news that is news at the moment.

A perfect job: doing bike tours for english and german visitors.

A perfect job with future intentions: working in the travel industry as an agent etc.