Friday, January 30, 2009

I've been slacking off lately - yes. I haven't been writing many blogs, largely due to the fact that I haven't been doing a lot of new things. Not that this is a bad thing, just have been doing daily stuff that's not too exciting for all of you at home.

We did get a new motorbike, however, so here's a picture of that...

Its called the pink panther. Luckily in Thailand there aren't really gender specific colors, so the pink is what it is.

Otherwise, Bill and Charlotte will be arriving here in a few days, which is very exciting. We're going to hang out in Bangkok for a few days, head down to the beach for a few days, then come back home to good ole Chiang Mai.

Here are some interesting pictures we've taken with no particular theme or order.

I wish I knew what a stuuing rooser was.

this is our ninja. he rocks.

remember, safety first, kids.


hello, it's katie! said...

tonight ninja told me that he likes pizza. he also showed me this crazy little whole fish that he was eating in his rice. ninja is my favorite.

also, pink is sexy. i bet ninja thinks so, but i don't know how to ask him in thai.

srr said...

your shirt is faster than your scooter