Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So everyone, this looks like its the end. Katie and I are safely back in Erie at the moment, soon to be traveling to Vermont, then ultimately Boston to begin our job search etc.

We've really enjoyed our time abroad, and appreciate all those who were keeping up with us, reading our blogs, and saying hello occasionally. I hope you have all enjoyed the pictures and some of the stories. I'd be happy to expand on anything as soon as I have the privilege of talking to you all in person.

Thanks again; it's been great fun.


Monday, April 13, 2009

cambodia, vietnam and thailand

Quick update. Angkor Wat is amazing. Remember those Sukhothai pictures - this is better. Cambodia, at least this part, is much more relaxed than Vietnam, much less pushy, and generally much happier. This is a nice way to end our trip. A not nice way is protesters in Bangkok. Just like last time, though, it is very localized. The military has stepped in quickly, and I think, should stop this from getting out of hand, like last time. For those of you at home, where we are staying and where this stuff is happening is a long ways from each other. The city itself is still functioning normally, except that one part. The airport is 2okm outside of town. No worries, things should be fine for our return on the 18th.

Can't wait to see you all. Be home soon. Very much looking forward to it.


Friday, April 3, 2009

quick note

We have made it from Hanoi to Hai Phong, the town bordering Ha Long bay, where all the awesome pictures come from. We have avoided being ripped off at pretty much every corner here in Vietnam and are hoping for a bit of a more relaxing trip from here on out. Tomorrow we try to catch a boat from here to an island, Cat Ba, then take a sailing trip for a few days through the bays.

Unless you've been here, you've never experienced anything like Hanoi traffic. Trust me. Seriously, Thailand traffic is like playground antics when compared to this.

Will inform more later, must go to bed now.
