Monday, April 13, 2009

cambodia, vietnam and thailand

Quick update. Angkor Wat is amazing. Remember those Sukhothai pictures - this is better. Cambodia, at least this part, is much more relaxed than Vietnam, much less pushy, and generally much happier. This is a nice way to end our trip. A not nice way is protesters in Bangkok. Just like last time, though, it is very localized. The military has stepped in quickly, and I think, should stop this from getting out of hand, like last time. For those of you at home, where we are staying and where this stuff is happening is a long ways from each other. The city itself is still functioning normally, except that one part. The airport is 2okm outside of town. No worries, things should be fine for our return on the 18th.

Can't wait to see you all. Be home soon. Very much looking forward to it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, looking forward to seeing you guys again - Vermont is *starting* to get warm. We were raking leaves yesterday when it started to snow...Vermont hasn't yet made up its mind regarding which season it is.

