Monday, July 21, 2008


Innoculated, immunized, protected, geschutzt, stabbed, pricked, temporarily given a disease.

Today we got our shots for travel so we don't get sick over there. Katie isn't a big fan of shots, but she took them like a trooper. We were pleased to find out we did not need a few we weren't sure about. This saved us a fair amount of money, as these things are expensive when you lack health insurance.

Of course, any amount is worth it if it means sitting in a hospital for weeks in a foreign country.

This is what Hepatitis A looks like, which we wont be getting
now ----->

So, the plane is ready, the jobs are ready, the packing stuff (extras) are ready, the communication is ready, and the bodies are now ready. We just need to get the visas ready, which is mainly being done for us, and we will be ready to roll.

These are good things.

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