Thursday, July 3, 2008


As of today, both Katie and I are officially employed by the State Dept of the USA as interns and instructors for students wanting to study in America, in Thailand. The place is right, the visas are right, the housing is right. Everything is, in a word, right.

This is very exciting news because it takes all the unknown out of the situation. The question of whether we'll get visas to actually stay for more than 3 months has been answered in the affirmative.

This has been a very exciting day for me, as well as both of my brothers: one who had a baby boy today, the other who sold his house today (last night, but who's counting?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you remember what kafka said about moving, versus being still....

looks like you are on the move to foreign and exotic places.

i am jealous. to the point i may have to accompany you

-[you know who this is]