Friday, October 17, 2008

the riverside and how we got there

Tonight Katie and I had dinner a the Riverside Restaurant, which was named because.....wait for's on the riverside. It was a very nice place, albeit full of foreigners, but who am I to talk, I'm one of them too!

Anyway, we decided to venture off on our new means of transportation. Since it was going to be dark, and traffic was going to be a little more heavy, we chose to take the moped (scooter/small motorcycle where your knees can touch together) which was loaned to us by our internship. I had driven it around a few times, but nothing much. Katie had ridden on the back of the thing only once. With that in mind, we took off across town to get to the other side of the river.

Things went quite well. Although steering with extra weight is sometimes difficult, if you keep your eyes open and stay on the side of the road, its more or less like being on a faster bicycle.

We got temporarily lost and almost ended up on the interstate, but reversed course and set sails for the bridge.

All in all, we didn't crash, Katie survived on the back, and ended with a smile on her face, which means it was a win.

This is the bike.. The laughing can start any time now.


Unknown said...

the lovely thought of your knees rubbing together, one word: rainbow-fairy

Ed Wilkens said...

Hey, Luke (and Katie)! We got your postcard. Thanks. What's with all this extended vacation stuff, riverside dining, fun and exciting rides on steriod infused mosquitos (with no airbags), resort hoping.... We at the SCLL all thought you were gainfully employed and actually doing some teaching! The perspective of our election season back here and the global economy must be "curiouser and curiouser" from your current vantage point. We've actually had snow flurries in the valleys already and skiers and boarders can't resist checking their gear. Luke, be impressed that not only did I finally buy a Vision Elliptical I've actually committed to regular (alternate day) use since August; a habit I never thought I could discipline myself to. I hope things continue to go well for you both, even once you actually have jobs to go to! Take care, Ed W