Monday, October 13, 2008


I advise everyone to write. I personally prefer an old fashioned journal with a fountain pen, but whatever suits you should do. When you look back on those details you've long since forgotten, it is truly remarkable. Letters are another way to record the same information and I think are fantastic (thanks mom- arrived 10/13, exactly one week).

Daily schedule, version 1.0:
wake up at a normal hour, between 7 and 9:00 am.
have coffee, check the news, write in journal
begin active part of day 9-11:00 am
spend the afternoon out and about, visiting, exploring, photographing, etc.
eat dinner at 5-6:00 pm because of hunger (why else, right?)
go back to home, spend the evening putzing around the flat, etc.

In this plan there are some problems. Things aren't always open in the day time since its so hot. Instead they open later on in the late afternoon and stay open until 8 or 9. When you have been busy all day, you want to eat early and come home tired afterwards. This leaves the prime time of day, the dusk and evening, done. You effectively just spent all the worst hours out and about.

Daily schedule version 2.0, to be implemented as of tomorrow:
wake up 7-8
go do what is interesting or on the plan BEFORE 12:00
get home, have lunch, and be inside internetting, learning thai, etc 12-4
go back out for more exploring, have dinner, and feel generally more rested for the evening, when you can enjoy it.

We're planning our border crossing trip to Laos. It will be a neat adventure including a 2 day river raft down the Mekong river to an ancient city in Laos, Luang Pabang. This will also function as our visa update we must do every 3 months.

Katie and I are apparently going to be teaching a group of Nissan car salesmen "English Sales". We have been informed of this today and will be starting next week with a class. I don't exactly know where its going to go, but hey, I've done my share of selling, and speak English, and teach, so what's the trouble, right?

more later.

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