Saturday, November 15, 2008

Engrish and daily life v1.0

To give everyone an idea of what regular, daily stuff is here in Thailand, I am going to start taking pictures of normal, everyday stuff, which might be a little different than at home. I'm going to try to do some themes, for example transportation, shopping, eating, etc.

Today will be my first installment. This has to do with the daily assault on the English language. One of the more ubiquitous offenders would be the clothing industry. Anything with English on it seems to sell, so they don't spend a lot of time editing for grammar, spelling, syntax, or meaning...

I wonder how many bits her heart is in?


I scream for I-cream.

Cheeze walking closet street fashion: I don't know what any of those are. really. any of them.

Self-evident by definition. Trust me, we know!

Hey, wanna go MAKE my ........umm, well, my chevrolet camaro???? I think the porsche would work better ;)

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