Saturday, November 29, 2008

daily life: transportation, Thai style

There are many differences between the way we get around and the way Thais do. We've adapted to some of that, since we have a motorbike, of course. Other things we have yet to try. Here are some of the possibilities.

a water truck- nothing too special or different here

A turbocharged pugeot 205

taxis - 3 lazy tuk tuks who stay near out house and yell at passers-by a lot, but never seem to drive anywhere.

this is a toyota Mrs. - I wonder where Mr. Toyota is? I also see a lot of Toyoto Coronas- I thought drinking and driving was illegal!

This is the back of another kind of taxi. These things come color coded, depending on where you're going. The red ones are local taxis that fit about 8 people inside and however many want to hang off the back. These guys like to beep at you, too.

80's six series. Need I say more?

In Thailand, it's always safety first. Jake would appreciate this on the jobsite. On the streets, there are of course, an abundance of helmets, as shown by this gentleman.

occasionally there is the real bike.

this is a typical parking lot. Obviously people are into their SUV's here.

this is a limousine. As you can see, this is really the lap of luxury when it comes to motorbikes- only for those big spenders.

a Thai family sedan- again exercising their strict safety rules

an evo III. This place is crawling with evos. If only my check bag could be bigger.

might get pulled over at home for this one. trash? delivery? who knows.

look carefully and you'll see the small child wearing a hat, sitting on the front of that bike. Remember, hat, not helmet. Safety safety safety

and speaking of safety. Don't be near this guy when he decides to crash, because he's got more or less a bomb strapped to the back of his bike.

alfa giulietta that lives close to my house. mmmmmmm alfa

this is another sedan for 3 adults.

As you can see, Thais are really into safety, and really into various types of cars. These cars just happen to have 2 wheels and carry everything.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Okay, so there's so much to comment on. I'll stick with two things....

The family sedan - FOUR people on one motorcycle!!! What more can one say?

The guy with the bomb on the back of the bike. First of all, yikes! Second - check out the power lines in this picture!!!! That is scary!!

Love ya! Mom