Monday, March 30, 2009

And, we're off

We have officially been in Chiang Mai for 6 months now, which concludes this part of our journey. Last night I had my last class, we went for our last dinner at a restaurant we call "Japan", and today we check out of our room.

The trip has been interesting in a lot of way: what we have seen, where we have gone, who we have met, and what we have learned. It's impossible to comprehend the magnitude of anything like this while still sitting in the same place, but over time, I think a clearer picture will be painted. I do know that I had great time, and wouldn't have done it differently if I had the choice.

We are now headed to Bangkok today, to fy to Hanoi tomorrow and vistin Vietnam for 2 weeks. We then head to Cambodia, then back home. Then into the lion's den of job hunting.

Thanks to everyone who read the blog while we've been gone. Its nice to know there are people back at home who are interested - we will see you all very soon.

Expect probably one more blog while in Vietnam.

Thanks again,


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