Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Last Month

So, here it is - our last month. March has brought with it stiflingly hot weather - mid nineties most days, and a permanent haze across the city and into the mountains due to the burning of the rice fields. Occasionally, like today, there is a clear morning, and once again we can see the temple on the hill from our room.

We have begun the last leg of our teaching. Strangely enough, this may be our busiest month of teaching yet, keeping us nice and busy for the final stretch. The last month of any time in a certain place that has a distinct end-date is always an uncomfortable purgatory between what was and what is to come. This happens with jobs, schools, and cities - we happen to be doing all three at once. With any luck our schedule will keep the antsy-ness to a minimum.

We are also on the hunt for jobs. We have focused our search on Boston, as it seems to be the best "city" (sorry Burlington) on the East Coast for our needs. Katie is looking for internships at museums and jobs related to art or event planning, and I am looking for anyone who will hire me. I'm hoping to be able to use my German or international experience, but beggars can't really be choosers in this economy. If anyone has any great connections or ideas for me, I'm open to all suggestions.

In the first 2 weeks of April, Katie, Natalie and I will be traveling to Vietnam, where we will hopefully meet up with 2 other friends of ours to do some exploring. We are planning to take a couple days on a sailboat to some white sand beaches amongst giant limestone outcroppings in the sea.

This is the type of place we have yet to experience in Thailand, not because it doesn't exist here, rather because we haven't had the time or the money to travel to those places. Vietnam should be an amazing trip. On the way back to Bangkok we are also stopping at Angkor Temple in Cambodia, a world heritage site of miles and miles of ruined ancient temples. It should be a very memorable experience.

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