Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Ok, its true. I'm starting to get excited. We will be buying plane tickets in the next week, which should certainly do a nice job of solidifying the plans. I spoke with the Thai embassy this morning, and getting passports and visa's taken care if isn't going to be an issue.

I've gone ahead and ordered a few more books about learning Thai. The format of the Rosetta Stone, although straightforward and simple, isn't classical enough for me, and I need some long lists of vocabulary words to remember, and verb forms, participles, objects, direct objects, prepositions, pronouns and some basic semblance of structure before I can begin to form a picture of the language in my head. I know this sounds misconstrued and basically a pile of hogwash, but its true. I am a slave to the system- so I've resigned myself to that fate.

More when I actually buy the tickets- and even more when I actually get there.

September is a long way away.

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