Friday, April 25, 2008


It's officially official. We have purchased round trip tickets from Cleveland to Thailand on September 17th, to return on February 1st. Since we may change our return date depending on lots of factors, we got them through STA travel. They have human beings on telephones and can easily change ticket dates, unlike online tickets where you have computers, who have neither souls nor emotions. I prefer people.

(this is our plane)

Chris is flying from Burlington, meeting us in Dulles, and flying with us to Bangkok, to return on the 1st of December.

This, folks, is the plan. Only a mere 27 hrs of flying to get there! just a hop, skip, and a monstrous jump.

1 comment:

STA travelbuzz said...

Good to read your experiences Luke. I write about online opinions about STA travel so I mentioned you here: Hope you have a wicked time in Thailand :)