Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Book

So the learning of Thai just took a new direction. I ordered a book called Thai for Beginners, which is set up like a textbook. There are lessons, vocabulary to remember, and tests/quizzes at the end of the sections. This is the kind of thing we have been looking for to really understand the basics of the language. The rosetta stone program, which we have been using, is great for in-context understanding and overall language, but lacks the fundamentals and principles that we need. This, I think, is the answer. The boring, black and white, rote memorization is the structure upon which a language is learned- at least for an adult.

I am satisfied with my new book.


Lee said...

It's interesting how we fall back on those tried and true ways of learning. It may be that those educators who designed learning programs for non-native languages actually knew what they were doing!? As you say, that's different from the immersion learning that would happen in a bi-lingual home, but there's something to be said for a certain continuity of design.

All that being said, I'm getting excited for you all, too. It is so real, but there is much going on this summer for everyone in the widely-defined family network - it would be easy to just roll on through the summer, through September 6, and suddenly wake up to you leaving on the 17th! Actually, from Vermont I assume you'll leave a week or so before that.

Keep this blog going and we must make sure to spend lots of time together over the next 4 months!

hello, it's katie! said...

Learning Thai makes my head spin a little. I am pledging here to the internet gods that I will do something every other day (even if I can only handle a page!). Ok internet gods? You need to hold me accountable!
