Saturday, September 13, 2008

The final days

In one fell swoop, all of the acquaintances, relatives, friends, et. al., excepting only a few, have been visited, called, emailed, checked up on before the land and water separating us grows immensely. Katie and I have been in Erie, PA for these last few days, before we leave early Wednesday morning to get on a plane in Cleveland.

Although our lives are about to change drastically, the reality and gravity have yet to set in. Since life has set a blistering pace this summer, there has been little time to comprehend exactly what is happening. (Please do not read: I have ignored the fact that I'm leaving the country) Rather, it has been a surreal experience that cannot, will not, hit home until the plane lands and I am trying to decipher the sanskrit that is the Thai alphabet. There is no way to prepare yourself mentally for such a journey; only physically. So, with bags packed and plans for moving a lot on the 25 hr plane ride, we set off westward into the sunset. The irony, however, is that we will be missing an entire night because of the 12 hr time difference, thus: no sunset.

My next post will be a delerious, jet lagged, rambling of the many things we are encountering.

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