Tuesday, December 2, 2008

bangkok and chris

So: news

Chris took off last night ending a two and a half month trip. At the moment I think he is roughly in Japan and will be home in the cold within a day. Happy travels and say hi to everyone at home for us, Chris.

The occupation of the airport has ended. The 'supreme court' of Thailand ruled the last election a fraud, thereby nullifying the current political parties. Thy hen set a temporary prime minister until new elections can be held, wherein (this is my opinion) the same people will be voted in again, because they do, in fact, have a majority. After that, who knows. Maybe the yellow shirts will take over the buildings again as it seems to have worked this time.

Overall, only a handful of people were injured or killed in an entire takeover of the government, which only included people directly involved. Not so bad in my book.

The airport should be opened by Friday, they say.

1 comment:

Lee said...

So, if the airport won't be open until Friday, how did Chris get out of the country?

I'm glad he's on his way - we'll be glad to see him and to get a vicarious hug for/from you!

I love you,