Wednesday, November 12, 2008


To all of you who think this is a tropical paradise, warm all year round, where nobody every gets cold or dies of hypothermia, this is for you. If you think you are special because you think Vermont is getting cold...think again.

It gets cold here. Really cold. I know this because the people here all dress in winter jackets and hats. Children are bundled up in face masks to get the frigid air from infiltrating their precious little faces.

I even have proof.... This is the weather for today, tonight and tomorrow.

As you can see, this is no tropical paradise where everybody runs around with short sleeves soaking up the sun. It gets down to 60 degrees at night! We almost have to close the window. Scarves abound in the streets. It may have been a mirage, but I thought I almost saw someone's breath.


hello, it's katie! said...

i wore pants today AND had goosebumps - oh burr!

Auntie A said...

I hope you have your winter coats!!!!


Lee said...

You ARE kidding about the facemasks, right? Okay, I understand pants - in the evenings, but jackets? Scarves? Facemasks? Okay, I know it's a 30 degree drop from a few weeks ago, but that's just summer to fall - not a leap into winter!

No sympathy from Vermont...