Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas and business

So, we decided it was time to decorate our room for Christmas. Because Thailand is Buddhist, there isn't exactly a plethora of various decorations, and since we also do not have a plethora of funding, we decided to take matters into our own hands. This is some of what we came up with.

I know, its not Martha Stewart, but at least we're not in jail, right?

We also have started a little proofreading business, aimed at trying to fix every single sign or brochure written in English in Thailand. Obviously, they are using a Thai 4th grader to do their proofreading, so we saw a gap in the market. Whether they care or not is yet to be seen, but we did get some professional looking business cards printed up so we'd be taken seriously. We also hired a model to pose with them. Oh wait, that's just Katie :)


C Foster said...

How very entrepreneurial of you two! I wish you much success with the proofreading business. But not so much success that you single-handedly run every malapropism out of town. I mean really, can you imagine Chiang Mai without its i-cream or cheeze?

And remember, you're my most beautiful dream and every bits of my heart...


P.S. Post more examples of funny signage. I love that stuff.

Unknown said...

I'm with Charlie! I love your idea, and I definitely hope it comes to fruition (a.k.a. $$$), but I LOVE the funny signs... :)