Sunday, December 21, 2008

Finished Thai level one

Katie and I both finished our Thai course today. The course ended with a grueling, for some, test. We preempted the test by completely forgetting about class on Friday, not even realizing we had missed it until well into the afternoon. With fear in our soles (our feet were shaking) we set off for the monster exam. Of a two-hour class period, it took us each about 35 minutes to finish the test. It was immediately corrected and we both walked away with nothing less than A pluses. I guess it wasn't so hard after all.

We are now eligible to take level 2, however I don't think we will. The class is too slow and we think we could get more out of alternative means.

But we do speak some Thai now. Phurkraw phuut paasa Thai daai khrap!

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