Thursday, December 18, 2008

firs commercial success

Today I decided to make a few cold calls. I brought our business cards and our "business handout" with me, dressed like I was trying to sell something and walked into the tourist area. My plan of attack was to talk to tour guide companies, because there is so much competition, and because they have so much direct contact with English speaking people. I walked to the first, handed them my stuff, and said a few words. After an awkward moment, the man told me he needed to show it to his boss, and that was the end of it. The second place I went to, I was told by a couple of teenagers, one who was incessantly dabbing her face with a napkin, that they weren't interested, after they had a private (read: in Thai) laugh at me. I know this because they were speaking Thai and laughing at me. The third place was a minor success. I was able to convince a woman that when she created her website in the near future, it would need to be fluent English, which she agreed to. The last place, however, was the best. A young man just happened to be designing a brochure, upon which he had placed several pictures, but no text. He happened to need to paraphrase a couple of paragraphs he found on the internet and needed to find good English wording for it. I told him I could help him on the spot, for 100B ($3). I figured it was a safe number, and anything is positive at this point. When we were finished, I had typed the stuff up, worked on his wording and design, and of course, paraphrased the paragraphs. When I left, he paid me double.

If things keep going this way, this might actually work. We have officially opened for business.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Congratulations! This is awesome. Nice job - a true salesman. :)